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Why We Use A Free Website

We’ve come across a number of Ghanaians both young and old with great ideas/products they want to turn into online businesses but are often discouraged by their inability to code, and the cost of hiring others to build them a Website.

Not everyone can code, and that’s okay. Even if you can code, consider the time you would need to write these codes. We can actually use one day to create 2-3 websites or more with 5 pages each using Wix compared to using two or more days to create only one website using code. We advocate education and tech advancement so if you're looking to learn to code for free, codecademy is a good place to start. There are loads of amazing innovations out there which are free. We want to show and encourage average Ghanaians to use the various free resources on and offline to better their lives. Use what you can to build your dream no matter how small. Ghanaian artistes like Feli Nuna of “Sokolala” fame started out with a free Wix account just like ours, today she’s making waves.

We’re setting an example with our website which was created for free and mostly using a smartphone. Over time we might buy a domain or upgrade our site however right now we’re here to show you anything is possible with a little bit of creativity. Learn how to Create Your Own Amazing Website For Free.


Web presence is essential to all businesses. To build a web presence, you'll need a website or even use just your social media (props to people like Gordon Dogbe of StartUpGH and Daniel Bonsu of TroskiJournal doing amazing work in Ghana with their social media)

For a website to go and stay online it needs a reliable web hosting service.

What is reliable? And does "paid hosting" mean better service?

Not necessarily true.

Free web hosting and paid hosting often offer the same security, port speed and network bandwidth. The only difference is the additional hosting features which include more disk storage, more scripting support, more email accounts, etc.

For a business/individual opening a new website, or for any regular website, the disk storage and data transfer offered by a free web hosting service would be enough. It takes time to grow a website and attract enough visitors to exceed the storage limits etc. of a free web hosting package. You can always upgrade your service to paid hosting when the time comes.

Unless you plan on using applications that require advanced scripting support (e.g. a content management system, an e-commerce shopping cart, etc.), your web files will basically be HTML and image files. HTML and image files don’t need advanced scripting support or coding of any sort - any free web hosting services will do.

Unless your website needs the specific features offered by the paid hosting plans, free web hosting services might be all you need and will save you money without affecting the performance. Learn how to Create Your Own Amazing Website For Free.

Create A Free Website

The Money Team GH

Solving Poverty Through People and Technology

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