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The Money Team GH is a Ghanaian based non-profit organisation with the main aim of enlightening our generation on the creation and management of wealth using technology and the internet.



The Money Team GH is a network of young ambitious individuals creating wealth for themselves and others through modern unconventional yet legitimate means.


Our gold and black theme represents our Ghanaian heritage. It reminds us of a time of African wealth & abundance. Before our land was defiled. Before our wealth, youth and dignity were stolen. And most importantly it reminds us that poverty does not belong in the Gold Coast. It reminds us who we are and where we come from. We are made of black, we are made of gold. 


Our mission is to make life easier for every Ghanaian and African. To create financial freedom for all and ultimately alleviate poverty. 


We are simply here to tell our truths, share our discoveries and opportunities, discuss profitable ideas and ultimately help you become YOU.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.


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