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Help Ghanaian Youth End Poverty
Hello, my name is Samuel. Currently working as a coordinator for the MoneyTeam Ghana. A non-profit group with the main aim of enlightening our generation on the creation and management of wealth.
This initiative forms part of our vision to enlighten the upcoming generation on money, and how to harness available online resources to create wealth. The group addresses several topics on investment, savings, and wealth creation through periodic high school financial literacy forums. We introduce the students to new and practical ways of making money via the internet and investing in profitable ventures. We advocate the awareness of blockchain technology and decentralized currency such as bitcoin/etheruem and teach them how to harness these revolutionary innovations. Ultimately we urge young Ghanaians to think outside the box. Visit our free website (under construction)
We also helped sponsor the StartUpGH Campus tour in collaboration with HighshoolGH aimed at motivating and connecting young aspiring social change-makers to develop their skills and capacity as young entrepreneurs and leaders. We recognize the handwork and good efforts of these organizations and intend to support and emulate them in our own endeavours. Check out our web gallery
We hope to bridge the gap between poverty and affluence in Ghana, a step towards achieving the first amongst the Millennium Development Goals. Any donation is welcome and will enable us continue our work throughout Ghana.
Donations will be used to purchase projectors, data bundles, venue/travelling costs and provide incentives for Ghanaian youth interested in joining our cause. Please Donate via
Vodafone Cash 0508309423
Donate Bitcoin
Donate Ethereum